In our busy lives, we hold multitasking in high esteem. We read our emails, texts, and social media alerts while also talking on the phone. Why is it that when out to dinner with friends and family, before conversation even starts, instead of keeping our phones tucked away in a pocket we place them on the table, facedown mind you, so as not to appear rude or distracted? And even if the device never rings or dings with a text from the kids, client, or boss, we peek at it anyway to see what we’re missing.
While working on this issue, I spent a lot of time on our Gift Guide—gifts, presents. However, as I thought more about these two words, their deeper definitions inspired me. They each no longer represented material items, but instead something much more meaningful for this holiday season.
Present: Here and Now, Living in the Present.
Gift: A Feeling of Gratitude.
So, as you turn your attention to the rest of these pages, plan a day away from distraction as you evaluate the extensive skiing and snowboarding programs offered at Stratton Mountain Sports School.
Celebrate the anniversaries of two local establishments. Christmas Days in Sunderland is marking its 50th year and McWayne Jewelers in the heart of Manchester commemorates its 70th year.
Embrace the holiday and football season and come together with fellow fans at one of several restaurants around the area or while entertaining at home.
Engage with the local retailers showcased in our Gift Guide and present gifts to your loved ones.
Most importantly, give your time and support to our community through organizations like Neighborhood Connections in Londonderry, always there to provide a helping hand for life’s challenges.
And, remember, be present—it’s a gift.
The team at Stratton Magazine wishes you all a happy, healthy, and meaningful holiday.