Features and Stories
She’s Got Game
Ever since Kathrine Switzer proved women could run the Boston Marathon and Billie Jean King schooled Bobby Riggs on the tennis court, women have embraced the joy that comes from playing sports. Whether it’s tennis, golf, hiking, or any of the other activities the Stratton area is famous for, summer is the time to get out and get sweating!
Features and Stories
What’s UP On the Mountain
With another $6.5 million in capital projects outlined for Stratton, guests will see enhancements in the entire mountain experience, starting with the launch of lift-served mountain biking later this summer.
Conserving Higher Ground
Atop the tallest mountain in Southern Vermont some sunny day you may find yourself at the Stratton Mountain fire tower, perched 55 feet high at 3,936 feet above sea level. Here you scan out upon a 360-degree view of the most contiguous forest and wilderness areas in all of Vermont. You are on the oldest long distance hiking path in the United States, the Long Trail (L.T.). You are also standing on the longest, skinniest national park in the United States…
The Stratton and Manchester Area Guide App
Mountain Media is proud to announce the release of a dedicated Manchester and the Mountains mobile app, The Stratton and Manchester Area Guide.
Fall Fun
Experience the vibrant colors and some of the best views in Southern Vermont here in the Manchester and the Mountains area. We’ve done your fall weekend getaway planning for you and there is something for everyone…
Rainy Days in Manchester and the Mountains
Whether you’re seeking swimming holes in the summer or ski trails in the winter, the area has plenty of options to satisfy your desire to get outside. But what about those rainy days when spending your free time outdoors just isn’t an option, what to do then?