Out and About
Snowlight in Vermont
Thanksgiving weekend welcomed in the ski season with a healthy amount of snowfall that coated the Stratton Mountain Village in a glistening blanket of white and made it the perfect backdrop for the 2017 Snowlight in Vermont ceremony. Community members kicked off the holiday season by spreading cheer and celebrating our loved ones, lighting trees in their honor throughout the Village. Each tree lighting dedication spread messages of love, honor, happiness, charity, and hope—not just for that evening, but throughout the months to come…
Lighting the Way
Here is the short and simple truth: Every single detail that the architect, builder, and decorator created in your home will look a thousand times better after a lighting designer makes a plan to illuminate the walls, ceilings, stairs, floors, counters, cabinets, and design elements to their best advantage. Guaranteed…
The Trees Speak
Snowlight in Vermont! Those words captured the imagination and the hearts of Stratton visitors and homeowners four years ago because that is what the first holiday tree lighting in the resort village for charity came to be called. Snowlight…