Food & Drink


Include herbs from your garden to enhance your summer cocktail spirits.

Last Word

Summertime BBQ Favorites

My most memorable summer days were spent running around outside, getting grass stains on my knees, smelling subtle wafts of smoke and char as the grill heats up, and feasting on the many barbecues throughout the summer months.


sandwich it in food spread
Sandwich It In

Whether it’s just a quick bite on the go or a carefully constructed masterpiece, one thing is clear: we love our sandwiches in America. Sandwiches are just as much a part of the fabric of American cuisine as pasta is to Italian food. Sure, the name might change as you move around the country, but as long as you layer bread with delicious toppings, it’s a sandwich…

Food & Drink

Holiday Entertaining
Holiday Entertaining

It’s your turn to host—don’t panic! We’re going to share a few tips on preparing the moistest of turkeys and provide recipes for accompanying sides to satisfy a diversity of palates and dietary needs. With a little planning you will create an easy, elegant, and welcoming gathering…

Food & Drink

manchester music festival cooking up the classics
Masterful Chefs

Cooking Up the Classics is a unique cookbook involving collaboration between chefs at local restaurants, community volunteers, and Manchester Music Festival. Culinary works of art are paired with fun and curious stories of renowned composers as well as more contemporary rock musicians – from Mozart to Mick…