Features and Stories

She’s Got Game

Ever since Kathrine Switzer proved women could run the Boston Marathon and Billie Jean King schooled Bobby Riggs on the tennis court, women have embraced the joy that comes from playing sports. Whether it’s tennis, golf, hiking, or any of the other activities the Stratton area is famous for, summer is the time to get out and get sweating!


jackie kutzer with trout
Women and Fly Fishing: They’re Rolling On The River

Fly fishing has long been known as the sport of gentlemen, but in recent years the ladies have splashed down in rivers and streams in droves, making them the fastest-growing demographic in the sport. Any way they find it, women are embracing fly fishing and the sport’s fuddy-duddy image seems destined for extinction…

Snow Sports

Gaining an Edge at Stratton Mountain’s Women on Snow Ski Program

Whether you are a first-time skier, beginner, intermediate or expert, the Women on Snow clinic is an excellent program for all levels.