It’s a dare. Walk up to any five members of the U.S.Disabled Ski Team who are living and training at Stratton Mountain this winter. Look them in the yes and tell them you think they are courageous and an inspiration. Then, duck.
The facts, of course, are obvious. They are courageous and the are an inspiration. They just don’t want to hear it anymore.
Yes, they are disabled. Though to watch them ski, you’ll put a new meaning on the word. “Disabled” is in the mind of the beholder. “Enabled” is closer to reality.
The road to Stratton began last year when the report was named host of the Chap Stick U.S. Disabled Ski Championships March 11-16. And, if there’s ever been a midweek to set aside the mountain, this is it. Read more…
-Craig Altschul